Monday, January 31


Pth. This just isn't fair.
*stomps feet, holds breath*

You Are 29 Years Old

Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.

13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.

Yeah yeah yeah, laugh it up. What Age Do You Act?

K is for Kind
A is for Abstract
R is for Rebellious
E is for Energetic
N is for Nerdy

Man, that site is just wayyy off. Energetic, HA!

Oh and I ganked that stuff from Manda. I hear Manda's mom is really, really diesel.

Thursday, January 27

Me me me

It's been a slow day. No eggings or other acts of ghetto beligerance. Yet. Other than having fantastically screwing up my tax return, there's really nothing amusing to report. Except this. This makes me smile (unless it's the first thing I see in the morning).

Maybe I'll have more for you later. In the meantime, I've got a billion cells to cut and paste. What I'd really like to know is... how are you? Sorry, I've really been meaning to ask. It's not that I don't care, it's just that, well, I guess I've been kinda wrapped up in my own sad little word. I truly do care how you are. Seriously. So, how's work? How's the dog? Are you in like? Love? Dire straits? Depeche Mode? What's the latest on your swishy cousin? Have you read The World According to Garp yet (no, the movie does not count)? Pick up any new ringtones? Anybody make it on to or off of your shitlist this week? Do tell!

Don't make me beg, people. See that little #2 pencil down there? ----> hit that bad boy and let it allll out. =)

Wednesday, January 26

The Perfect Job

Good luck on your interviews, Lala! (And good luck to Judy; what with being married to a man who gives half of a snickers for Valentine's day and all). Notice how they didn't say "grab half of a snickers"?

Come Clean

I could barely stop watching this site long enough to post this link. I confess that I have a morbid fear of slugs and round brushes, and routinely murder plants and guppies.

This chick's got some serious OCD.

Now available without Dick!

For Shari

Tuesday, January 25

The Life of Brian

For reasons thusfar unbeknownst to the Bearsenbees clan, our patriarch has been taken from us. I am saddened to announce that the Grim Reaper (not George, possibly Mason) came and, after a brief struggle, took our dear Brian's life. He is missed severely, and the whole clan has lost their collective minds.

For example, here we see Karen out on the lawn "Loving the sack baby". I'm not entirely sure what that's about, but it sure don't look good. If it's Freudian, then I guess we all know what's in the sack. Come to think of it, that might explain some of her other behaviors as well. Hmm. Maybe I should have Ursula start spraying some WD40 around the bathrooms, just in case.

Anyhoodle, Lincoln stopped bawling his face off long enough to give his mother a severely concerned look. A mental health physician showed up shortly thereafter. I shit you not.

Oh and Karen tried to fix something she shouldn't have and burned the crap out of herself. They really blur those reality lines when they reticulate those splines, don't they?

To round out today's riveting update, Lincoln's slacker wife Jane is in her third day-mester and has been a complete mental patient since Brian's departure. At least she's classy enough not to lose her shit on the lawn like some other sims I know. Oh hey-- that reminds me. The non-virtual us thought of a really great way to get back at our eggstaordinary neighbor(s)... remind me to tell you about that later...

Anyway, life goes on. Though Brian never got to meet his new grandson, the baby was named in his honor. Hopefully, Lando Bearsenbees will have better luck with the ladies.

Man, I could really go for some of that Der Waffle Haus right about now.


This is ridiculous! I gotta start getting my patents together. Those are my billion dollar ideas! Remember the "bowl and bowl"? And how I bitched and moaned about not being able to tell our phones apart and needing a taggie thingie for the antenna? I know you do. Right! There you go! I went to 3 home improvement stores trying on gaskets. I so should have patented my "phone tag". Just wait, before you know it, there will be a "living rooms" on every corner.

You can't prove it won't happen.


Ok, way less amused this time. Definitely not in a "get-your-car-egged" type of mood. Not that I was in one on Friday, but due to it being Friday, I was tolerant of some incommodiousness. I mean enough is enough, already. I don't know what I'm going to do yet to reciprocate, but reciprocate I shell. I mean shall. Damnit.

I'mma incommodious someone, big time.

Monday, January 24

I Love Company

Today has already lived up to all expectations. Not enough snow to close the fed, but enough to make for a miserably slidy morning.

On the bright side, after the requisite 72 hours of destinkifying and unfolding itself, we have this to look forward to tonight (say it with me now... ahh...)

Let the quasi-M mattress madness begin!

Sunday, January 23

A T-Shirt I Will Never Wear

Warning: Groaner Alert

Told ya.

Within a Year a Walker

Maxima and Chad have bestowed another grandchild upon us*! Please help welcome baby boy Zeke! You'll be happy to hear that he's getting along great with his well-adjusted sister, Infinity. What, that doesn't make you happy? What's wrong with you?

*Shortly after this picture was taken, Chad requested a DNA paternity test.

Saturday, January 22

Give me Liberty

Brian tore the bejesus out of something in his shoulder which made tending bar until 5am, not to mention attempting to shovel us out of the parking lot, all the more interesting. And by "interesting" I mean "scream-like-a-girl" painful. I didn't get to deal any blackjack last night (which, turns out, was a good thing) but I was the master shuttler. That's right, spell checker, I'm making "shuttler" a word. Take that. Anyhoo, the boys are kinda bummed but I think last night was a blast, and quite a success ...considering. I gotta tell ya, just between you and me, I'm impressed at how well they pulled it off. Fo' real.

Tonight is not proving anywhere near as successful as we can't even get out of the damn parking lot. Had to bail on a much-anticipated ski Liberty trip due to the incessant white stuff. Actually, I rescind that complaint. I don't blame the snow. The snow is fluffy and white and it insulates the noise from our charming neighbors (i.e.; "I'm going to light this fucking place on fire!"). It's my ghetto apartment managements fault for not hiring Barney Gumble over Mr. Plow (that name again is Mr. Plow).

AND I couldn't get my hands on any contact lenses. "Controlled medical devices" my aunt Martha. You know what, don't even get me started.

Friday, January 21

Sausage McLincoln

Maryland, my Maryland, got a fraction of an inch of snow earlier this week and I'm starting to think that life will never return to normal. I've lived here for 12 years (holy crap, can that be right?!) and I am still amazed by the reaction to precipitation. Every time. Every time there is the slightest sky schvitzing; be it rain, snow, god-forbid ice, people just freak the fuck out. Every time. And, oftentimes, the mere threat of precipitation causes massive chaos rendering both streets and Safeways uninhabitable. Idiots. I'm convinced that half of beltway traffic is bottlenecking due to that "strange orange orb" in the sky.

Anyway, due to said blizzard, there was so much road salt on my car that its' gnawing it on my paintjob was actually audible. Seriously, it was drowning out the bass. Since I was too tired to make it to racquetball anyway, I decided to spend an hour driving around looking for an open carwash. Alas, I did not forsee this task taking an hour, or I wouldn't have bothered. Anyway, they were all closed. Not a carwash to be found. The bagel store in Germantown was open, which was totally on the way... pretty much... so I got me a rainbow cookie to celebrate. Life, that is.

Ok, now I know what you're thinking, "there she goes babbling like a loon again", right? Well perish the thought! Because it turns out that my adventure last night seeking the ever-elusive sub-zero carwash came in quite handy this morning. "How can that possibly be?” you ask? Well, sit tight and let Queen Bee tell you a tale. Her latest tale of woe...

I was actually up and out of the house ahead of schedule. In the morning! Unheard of. All bundled up, I reached my car in the parking lot and fumbled with the keys. Not easy with mittens (they're pink, thanks for asking). I noticed there was a guy sitting in his car next to mine, with his engine running. I also noticed egg all over his hood. Frozen splattered egg. "Poor bastard", I thought, as I gave up on the keys and pop-pop-pop keyless-entried my way in to the Lincoln. How did people exist before keyless entry? Definitely top 10 inventions of all time. Anyway, as I crunched down on the frozen leather, I looked out the windshield, this is what I saw:


(Truth be told, these pictures were taken while waiting for the heat to come on and after I'd already mopped off some of the offending embryo)

Yup, a 1/4 inch of frozen egg on top of (what now became a thick protective layer of) salt! Let me tell you, frozen egg is a bitch. It's like a whole new element. Eggnausium or some shit. The more I tried to get that stuff off of my windshield, the slimier things got. Good thing my new puffy ski jacket was also covered in a protective layer of road salt. *Sigh*.

Hang on, Lysa's on the phone. You'll be happy to know that she is officially immune.

Anyway, by the time I smeared enough of the frozen egg goop out of my field of vision to actually drive (albeit slooooowly), I was way late for work. Good thing my boss has an incredible sense of humor; e.g. (no pun intended) he offered a side of bacon to go with my car (his pun intended). 'Twas I on 270 this morning with my hazard lights on, in case anyone asks. I tooled around at 5 mph, squinting through a layer of egg muck, and hit three carwashes before I found one that was open. It was the self-serve get-your-ass-completely-drenched kind. But it did the job.

I can't wait to run into the chin-dildos whom egged up my car, and more importantly, my morning.

And we'll all float on, okay.

Thursday, January 20

I'm a Grandma!

With (the bare minumum of) help from her new husband Chad (Mr. Pennington if you're nasty), and a shocking amount of up-chucking, our virtual daughter Maxima has endured her three day pregnancy and successfully given birth!

Virtual B and I are the proud grandparents of Infinity, a romance-aspiring bouncing baby girl! Zonino!!

Now, where's that virtual diaper Genie...

Love The Bear

Can't we all just get along?

Et Tu, Etymophile?

Submitted for your perusal, a list of my all-time favorite words, in no particular hierarchy:
  • Perusal
  • Defenestrate
  • Ricochet
  • Febreeze
  • Cupcake (I mean, come on, what's not to like?)
  • Siapuli Malamala
  • Shocking
  • Incisor
  • Zonino
  • Astrid Bonilla
Any commentors out there who would care to submit a sentence using as many of these words as possible will receive a prize!*

*Ok, there's not really any prizes. I can't afford any
actual prizes. Even though I have no commentors. But hey-- you'll receive good karma! So you'll have that going for you.

I'm totally in it.

We "rented" the Garden State DVD from Jeff last night. The picture quality was on par with Hollywood video (had to stop the movie and clean the disk only once) and overall quality, but of course, far superior to Blockbuster. Hey, did you know that when you rent a video from VIACOM/Blockbuster, you're not getting the theater release version, but a version edited for content? Yep. Cockbuster determines what you can "handle" watching. Oh, and nowhere on said films (or membership agreement) is this tidbit revealed. Good thing we've got Cockknocker looking out for us, right? Maybe it's just me, but often a scene can be rendered less poignant when one character tells another to "fork off".

And Snopes has nothing on it, so it must be true.

As for Garden State, it's high on my 2004 recommended watch list. It's a funny and tender character study, not unlike Dazed and Confused. It's everything Napoleon Dynamite wishes it was. I'd rate the soundtrack a "G" on a scale of 1-H. That Zach Braff writes one kickass blog, to boot.

Wednesday, January 19


I've been encouraged to begin a blog. Begin, sure. That I can do. I'm not so keen on finishing things, but I guess this might work since blogs are inherently infinite. Infinite is good. I can work with infinite. For example, the paper that I should be working on right now, yeah the deadline for that ...not so infinite.

But more importantly, in anticipation of my maiden voyage as a blackjack dealer this weekend, I trekked out into the the wicked inch of snow this afternoon to get my nails done. Of course, as soon as the strikingly beautiful Vietnamese lady (the certificate on her wall indicated she was actually "Linh Mingh, Master Cuticle Technician". Seriously.) was done applying basecoat, two layers of "Waitress Red", and topcoat, I immediately smashed my hand into a little drying fan and messed up 3/10ths of her meticulous work. My nails are like half a milimeter long, barely the width of the polish brush, we're talking destruction extraordinaire here. Linh started speaking to another nail lady in Vietnamese. A nd I'm quite sure they weren't talking about my blog.

At least it wasn't just me... the black grating of the little fan was bathed in speckled smashes of pinks and reds. Yeah, so that's one more thing off of my to do list, plus I didn't have time to eat anything. I nfinitely good.

Are you still there? Wow.

Ok, so, yeah. This is it. I'm doing the blog thing. I can pretty much promise you I won't be updating anywhere near everyday, which you will soon (if you haven't already) realize to be another infinitely good move.

Hey, did you hear about the Buddhist who refused Novocain during a root canal? He wanted to transcend dental medication.

Badum bum.