Sunday, October 22

Sundays Are For Slackin'

With hour 7 of being hunkered down on the couch approaching, I look back on my blissful day of Sunday nothingness. Football and nothingness. That's what Maryland does.

You'll be delighted to hear that my hair has been returned to it's once-natural state of pumpkin-esque. Ahhhh, much better. I'll take pumpkin over eggplant any day.

It was no accident that I happened to have a cut and color mere hours before attending my college homecoming game on Saturday since there was great potential of running into an ex; be it boyfriend or sorority sister (especially likely as they are now all married to one another).

Prior to finding our seats, we had been lollygagging around the stadium and I began to suspect that we were getting some seriously dirty looks. Ok people so I realize my sunglasses look a little ridiculous. I'm definitely more on the recovering-retinal-surgery side of the spectrum than the effective Mary Kate Olsen impersonator side. I'm well aware that I don't really have what it takes to pull off the oversized frame look, but there are really limited options when you're dealing with my prescription, ok?! Passerby after passerby would just look me up and down with a paintbrush of disgust. No time to explain about the prescription during our series of brief and hurtful transactions. The hits kept coming. I kept checking my fly. Just when I had myself worked up into a full-fledged self-esteem tizzy, some dude passing us in the other direction sneered and then yelled in our faces: "FUCK YOU WEST VIRGINIA"!!


However, we made it through the game unscathed. Unless 1500 fans actively booing you counts? Seriously, at least 1500. In unison. We caused quite a stir because my beloved other half, in all his "infinate" wisdom, decided to wear West Virginia University paraphanalia to the University of Maryland homecoming game. He was the ONE person wearing blue in a sea of 55,000 red t-shirts. The disapproval this inspired was far from gentle. I'm talkin' some 1500 red-tshirt wearing Terrapin fans, standing up, pointing and curling their palms around their mouths, taking deep breaths and emphatically bringing forth the most heartfelt of BOOOOOOOOOOOOOs!

Thousands of jeers all around him, B climbed the stairs and held his arms ceremoniously in the air. Fingers pointing towards the heavens. Giant smile.


DaGince said...

Just in case you were unsure of the words to B's theme music I have included a link...

Anonymous said...

and thank you UMD for taking away the scholorship so that the sophomore, hesiman trophy candidate could come play for us. Ha hA!

Z-MAN said...

That's cool that your sorority sisters are getting married to one another...very progressive!

Scottie said...
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Scottie said...

dwb: Besides the fact that you are merely stating the obvious, I wanted to point out the fact that it is more effective, when insulting someone's intelligence, to use proper grammar. ;-) (Note to self: and make sure you proof your own snippy comments ...)

Lola said...

so did you run into anyone interesting? I want to hear all about it! :)