Sunday, November 13

Weekend Update

We had us a grand ol' time touring B's school, downtown DC with Larry and Judy, and IKEA (I shopped. Brian played with balls. Natch).

Knocked a few more items off the "vacation" to do list and only a few dastardly deeds remain. Those include:
  • Install rubber guards in garage
  • Install RF splitter for Tivo goodness
  • Apply headlight protectors
  • Dismember and/or retrive monies from DWB
Not too shabby, huh?

Well, tomorrow is the big day. Tomorrow I rejoin the rat race. I hope to keep you posted as I attempt to capture the cheese, but access may be limited.

Any words of wisdom (including alternate routes downtown and homeopatic anxiety remedies) are welcome.



Scottie said...

Funny, that closet doesn't look like California.

honeykbee said...

It's Oakland.

Anonymous said...

I hope you have a good day today. Let us know how it went. :)