Monday, October 17

Words of Wisdom From Some of my Favorite People

Oosterhouse: in the words of winston churchill "this is the sort of english up with which I will not put"

MaiTai: I want to do to you what Spring does to the cherry trees

Spoo: may you variables become filled with hyphonated abnormalities

MSAHF: yea *jumps up and down* I win!! oooo ooo oooo ooo what do I win?

Oosterhouse: ::clapping like a retarded seal::

Bears: two wongs doesn't make a white

Shashe: 10 pm - Food Network - Cupcake Cook-Off... watch with caution - the camera adds 10 lbs

Winona: i hope your dreams get shattered so you have to come crawling back. i feel that way the most. out of everyone.

Unk: stick out your tongue and scream something about "oocten gleeben globen gloten"

1 comment:

Beakerz said...

Then fade away, stanley