Saturday, October 15

Welcome to Taradise

For the record, I have never found Joe Elliott to be attractive. Even back when I was admittedly ArmageddonIt and all kinds of Hysterical. Back then, he should have worn leather pants more often (I mean, just look at those why? Why? Chicken thighs!) and now he's wearing them with for no gosh dern reason at all. After having seeing Def Leppard tonight, live, for the first time, I can safely say that Joe is no more attractive at 56 than he was 25 years prior. Additionally, I think his (equally collagen challenged) bassist was having some kind of wardrobe malfunction or maybe a bad Alzheimer’s day cause he totally forgot to put on a shirt. However, one simply can not argue with his philosophy:

"You better wake up and smell the roses before they're on your coffin lid!"

Today was a stellar day. Even though I was asked to leave my first-ever Def Leppard concert and almost got vomited upon. I survived a near head-on collision/wreck and got some great, great news. The kind of news that even oncoming headlights in your lane can not squash. Incidentally, Eric and Tara, if you are out there -- there's no way you're ready to graduate to Slayer. In fact, I do believe that you are both grounded. Go to your rooms.

I hope the rest of you are taking time to smell the coffin lids.
Roses. Whatever.

1 comment:

Beakerz said...

Slayer college, that is!

Head-on collision? Uh....I didn't hear this.