Thursday, September 15


Until I can explain the craziness that has been masticating my existance these last few days, this should hold you...

I had an anomole for dinner; leftover cheese cake. Mmmm... pie. Spent the majority of Saturday living out a childhood fantasy (warning: link will destroy your day faster than a No Smoking sign on the loading dock door). Then my boyfriend came home with scratches on his back and sporting new mandex. What do you make of that?!

*exits, stage left, singing a fully-body Y-M-C-A*


honeykbee said...

Yet another tragic case of testosterone poisoning, I suspect.

Beakerz said...

He musta been cheating. It couldn't have been that he bought the undershorts for the ref'ing he got back from (hours of sweating and running, so that he could take you to get that wonderful cheesecake) and the scratches couldn't have been from the fight he had to jump in the middle of at his job (Why the fuck am I becoming a teacher again?)
He sounds like a total asshole. At least you found a great game