Tuesday, February 3

Goodnight Small World, Goodnight Moon

Always doing their part to support the economy and international relations, my folks just landed in India. They plan on spending 2 weeks in Nepal, and just spent 14 hours on a plane getting there. Exhausted, my mom contacted me via IM to let me know they had arrived in one piece. We didn't chat long, as they were about to pass out, and getting online probably costs 1.6M rupees per minute. It was all "yadda yadda we made it", "yadda yadda great", then she said goodnight and I typed, "goodnight mom, goodnight dad, goodnight moon". Not my usual farewell or anything, total random childhood book mention.

Six minutes later, B sends me a picture message of his cousin's edition of Goodnight Moon being packed into a box in Chicago.

Sometimes the world freaks me out a little.


Scottie said...

oh and verification word was "ableatio." Is that some kind of weird oral sex?

Burnt Couch said...

our brains are just that attached to one another my bear love

Anonymous said...

That is AWESOME. I love when stuff happens like that. :)

Lola said...

pretty cool stuff.. plus it's a great book. I've got it memorized ;) (kids will do that to you)