Tuesday, September 12


Last week was three weeks long and yesterday was at least a week. Can't seem to get a good sleep on. It's only Tuesday and I'm exhausted. I went out of my way to find cupcakes for breakfast, ("energizing frosting!" I told myself), which was a valiant effort from the little internal rally-maker, but of course only made me feel worse in the end.

I wonder what it will be that will keep me awake tonight, flopping around like a flounder. The impending and fiery end of the world? Or just the demise of world as I know it? Wondering which of my few and dear friends will be next to shank me in the tuchas (translator for goyim: Stab in the Ass)? Or maybe the tickle of this mornings congealing frosting as it makes a new home on my hips?

I almost can't wait for the next thing (embarrassment? bombing?) to happen so at least it will be overwith. Because it's become clear that it's just a matter of when.

At least my name isn't Simson Garfinkel.

At least there's that.


Anonymous said...

On the plus side, Mr. Garfinkel is a world-renowned information security expert.

Anonymous said...

on the other bright side of things, you are assured that youhave one friend who will never stab anything of yours. hang in there, soon my life will turn to shit and yours will get better.