Monday, March 13

All Hail beePod!

Clearly my ipod is quite happy that I spent the last 2 days breathing life back into it, well, I didn't but theUSB cord did and I plugged that in so it's pretty much same thing. First four songs it shuffled out; Lush's Ladykiller, Pearl Jam's State of Love and Trust, Squeeze's Up the Junction, and American Girl. (If you don't know who that last one is by then it's likely you fat-fingered this url).

It's like my own personal greatest hits! beePod resurrected! I promise never again to let you sink to the bottom of my bag and go unnoticed for months.

Currently, I'm rocking out quietly and motionless at my desk.

Tis not as easy as it sounds.

1 comment:

Beakerz said...

yay Beelog is back.

still rockin' out? or did ya let the battery die again?