Friday, April 22

Homeward Bound

Sill pretty bummed about missing the Garbage show, ruckous and all. A full first-hand non-loser retelling can be seen here, on "Greg's" blog.

Currently, the bedroom doors are closed and the stealthy packing has begun. Shhh.... don't tell the Boo kitty as he remains clueless that his long roadtrip home is about to begin. I've packed extra paper towels and a gas mask in preparation for his blessed moment of realization.

Speaking of Katz, happy earth day! Have you pulled your blue barrel out of the Potomac today?

In keeping with today' nature conscious theme, the following (clickable) illustration is an ode to a chimp in a South American zoo who's been bumming cigarettes off of zoo visitors and puffing down harder than Jeff after he's seen red and blue flashing lights in his rearview.

Also today, in an uncharistaristically brazen move, I got my nails done in a color other than "To Eros is Divine" or "I'm Not Really a Waitress". Brace yourself as my digits now don "Orange you from New York?". And while probably the least interesting blogfodder that you have digested in recent memory, I just figured the name was appropriate.

Now go burn all your bread!

Happy Passover!

1 comment:

Beakerz said...

Jeff who?