You know what, people? I'm fine. Seriously, no one died. There's no major calamity here. There's just a lot of nothingness where I suspected boxes would be. Life is what it is and each and every one of you knows that you can't control the hearts and intentions of other people any more than you can control the fact that the sun always sets (at 5pm). We only live once and we have a duty to enjoy it to the fullest. While using what information we have in hand to avoid making any mind-bendingly horrible decisions along the way.
If I can't make a few tissue jokes without you worrying that I'm coming unhinged then you really haven't been paying attention because I'VE ALWAYS BEEN UNHINGED. In fact, see all that text up there? I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT! NO IDEA! IT'S ALL BULLSHIT! ALL OF IT! Nothing is ever what it seems and when the only person who understands you and loves you anyway is gone then you instantly become good company for the nothingness.
Yeah. I see a great deal more unhingedness on the horizon. So buck up.
battlements ready, prepared for storm.
I'm a big fan of unhingedness. I'm not really sure what it is that you were discussing that has people worried, but I hope all is relatively well. The word verification is badraf. I just thought that was funny.
I'll be up in DC in a few weeks, I could bring you a new safe way employee T-Shirt?
dagince: I will see your Safe Way shirt and raise you a Dairy Queen apron (with hot fudge still fused to the embroidery).
I have subway shorts from when I worked at subway.
OMG - Is Jake OK? Sorry, but the only clothing I have to offer is an ICS shirt and well,,,,,you know.
Call if you need it. We can still have that drink.
Be back soon. Will have drink(s).
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