Extra Shot Extra Pump Venti Friday
My usual schedule is all akimbo since I took off last Friday. I’m hoarding my hours of paid leave (given the option of making up the hours within a pay period or using vacation time, if I want to go to vegas this summer clearly I must choose the former). I might be spending money like it’s going out of style but I sure am tight-fisted with those vacation hours!
This means getting up at 5 (who am I kidding, I snooze till 6), out by 7, Starbucks by 7:03-- if I nail that one stupid light at the end of Diamondback, at the office by 8:45 (unless it’s raining or, god forbid, snowing, then 10) wait for 10.5 hours to pass, then hit the road, the gym, and settle in for a nice midnight snack/dinner. Wash, rinse, repeat.
Why are the short weeks always so LONG!?
and if it's reality, you get up at 7:03 and are out by 8. Exhibit A: This morning
But you were very cute about waking me up (i was only 2 hours late, for the racquetball game I never made) so I was ontime for school =)
and if it's reality, you get up at 7:03 and are out by 8. Exhibit A: This morning
But you were very cute about waking me up (i was only 2 hours late, for the racquetball game I never made) so I was ontime for school =)
Sounds like my mornings...'cept i hit the snooze until jason finally agrees to get up and go get in the shower. Then I hit snooze again, and when it goes off about 12 minutes later, j's out of the shower, so then I go in at 7:10 (I take 1/3 the time he does to get ready). Then I prod him along until we leave around 7:30-7:35 and get to work between 8-8:30.
I get to the office at 845 too (except we wake up at 8)
such hostility. i wake up at 8 and am in the office by 9:20, except I'm supposed to wake up at 7:45 to be in at 9:00 - except for this morning when I should have been in at 8, slept till 8, and made it in by 8:45 :)
In less than a week, I get up whenever, go to bed whenever, and love life more than any of you. (well, maybe not you DWB)
Ahhh...a week of civility!
and if i have to enter any more word verifications to communicate with my g/f over the internet, I'm gonna freak out! Seacrest OUT!
xnputqcn = #3
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