Tuesday, May 24


Onthis, the eve of my 30's, I wish that you were all having at least half of the fun that I am(and that your spacebars are atleast half as irritating). Please disregard the Holland countdown on the right taskbar, as it is now quite incorrect (Hmmm....or *is* it?!).

Viva las goodbear!

My pre-depositedEuros are about to run out, just saying a quickhi to my faithful flock! Peace and all good things (and no, mom and Lysa, I am not high). Sheesh.



Anonymous said...

Hope you are having/had a wonderful birthday! :)

Beakerz said...

aaww...and Madison. =)

anyway, HB bear. Had a great trip. as for the counter, maybe it IS correct, no?