Friday, June 24

Adobe Alert

Not that I would encourage you to rely on my blog for fast-breaking security news (I mean, let's face it, I use Sesame Street characters to indicate the state of the union) but you might want to consider tweaking your Adobe.

On a personal note, cause you know I just can't stop talking about my damn self, I'm back from the Mid-South-West.

Yup, I survived. Even survived Shane's driving. It's likely that I have dysentery... but at least I am home. Made myself a fresh vat of ye-old 1am Giant brand Mac-and-Cheese. Which, sadly, was the best of the available food options. I really need to make a Costco run. Let's see... I'll need a couldron of detergent... 25lbs of grapes... a three pack of Wrangler jeans, oh, and Atelier De Cannes. Yep, that should do it.

On a less unserious note, I met a dude at the airport tonight. Don't get your panties in a bunch; he's 86 years old. He was a pro ballplayer and was wearing a WWII memorial dedication polo. We talked for ages. I think when we parted company, he was actually 87. Anyway, I'll tell you more about him tomorrow. If you're good.


ac said...

Dude, that is tight. I am totally getting horns for my car.

Anonymous said...

I guess we haven't been good! - dmk